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Today, we're not only sharing the number one cancer fighting food with you that you need to get on your plate on a regular basis.
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We're also sharing the simple ways you can get it.
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Here we go.
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Hey sister, welcome to the Power On Plants podcast.
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Are you tired of staring into the fridge wondering what to eat so you can just feel better?
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Do you want to avoid spending hours in the kitchen making complicated meals in the name of health?
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Would you love to leave fatigue behind and finally have the energy to do all the things you want to do?
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Hi, we're Sheridan and Iterousel Christ followers, health care professionals, parents of four and big fans of great tasting food.
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We, too, tried exercising more, eating natural and clean foods, but we still found ourselves struggling with what we thought were changes that come with age or bad genes, and we weren't finding answers to traditional routes.
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So we dug into the research and created our secret nutritional weapon sustainable plant-based living.
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The truth is, you can eat more whole plant foods and it's not hard.
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You just need the way.
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That's realistic and delicious so you never feel deprived.
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If you're ready to enjoy your meals, no longer be held back by your health struggles and actively live your life, then you're in the right place.
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So grab your favorite plant-based cup of happy pop in those earbuds and let's get started.
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Sister, I am so excited Our group coaching program in Mastermind Power on Plant Society opens.
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We are gonna make this year and the years to come your best years ever, and this is how we do it.
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One of the things we're talking about today is we're gonna share with you right up front.
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I'm not gonna make you wait, sheridan's not gonna make you wait.
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We're gonna tell you what that ingredient is that needs to be on your plant-based plate Every single day so that you can start feeling better, fight off bacteria, fight off infection, decrease inflammation and prevent and even reverse cancer.
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And the number one cancer fighting food is garlic.
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Now we love us some fresh garlic around here.
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I'm telling you I don't know of much of anything that I make that doesn't have it in it, except for desserts.
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I haven't found a way to really work it into dessert yet.
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If you've got a garlicky dessert, send it my way.
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That would be interesting.
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It would be interesting.
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I haven't worked it into my morning oats either.
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No, no, I'm probably not gonna do that.
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Garlic chocolate, unless you go savory oats.
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No, you could go savory oats, I could, but I kinda like my chocolates, you get that big boost of the cacao.
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Yeah, you're the cacao man, that's for sure.
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The fire, nutrients, the antioxidants, and it's just, it's a super food.
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That's all good for you, but I promise you you get your garlic every day.
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You may not always know you get your garlic every day.
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Oh, I'm sure I do, you do you get more than your allotted amount?
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Most likely.
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What we know about garlic is that it stops growth of cancer cells.
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Not only can it prevent it, research shows time and again that it stops it.
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What kind of cancer?
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A lot of different types of cancer.
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You can look into the researchy and look that up online garlic and cancer.
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There are a lot of research studies out there.
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A great place to go and find that kind of stuff would be pubmedgov, Because they've got a list of every single study that has been created under the sun.
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Now you may not see all of the actual studies themselves, but they will show just an abstract, just an abbreviated form of what the findings were.
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Yeah, and I kinda like that, because they sum it up for you and it makes it really easy and simple to look at it and say, okay, this is what this study showed.
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This is what that study showed.
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Oh, this is why I need to eat garlic, and you can see it there before your own eyes.
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Maybe you don't have time.
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That's why we're curating, we're bringing this information to you.
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You need to know what to eat, but not just what to eat.
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How do you eat it?
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But why is garlic so important?
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I want you to think about this for a minute.
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This one thing I'm gonna tell you garlic targets the cancer cells.
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It does not touch your healthy cells.
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It doesn't touch the cells that are functioning properly.
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It's selective.
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Do other medications and other ways that people used to treat cancer generally do they leave your healthy cells alone?
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No, when you're having chemo, when you're doing other treatments, when you're taking other medications.
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It doesn't only target the cancer cells.
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You get cell damage of your healthy cells.
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So this is a great way to get something into your body that's going to prevent and even possibly reverse cancer cells.
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Don't just think people that have cancer have cancer.
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Everyone has cancer cells.
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It's a rogue cell.
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It's just a cell that's not functioning properly.
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When you actually notice it, it's when you have so many clumped together that you start getting a lump, a nodule, or it stops a function of your body in some way that it properly needs to function.
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When our immune system is functioning properly.
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When you start to get some of these cancer cells, you may get a very small clump not anything that you would feel or know but our immune system goes in and attacks it and gets rid of it.
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So, like you're saying, we at any given time will have cancer cells within us, but our body was created to take care of that, to take out the garbage.
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When it has the nutrients in the hands, it has the nutrients, and it has what it needs to function properly.
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And when it's not getting bombarded.
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This is a two-part process.
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It's not getting bombarded by the things.
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That is keeping it sabotaged.
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This is why we feel so overwhelmed sometimes, because we keep getting those things that we don't even know sometimes are sabotaging us.
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Right, you first gotta learn what they are and then learn the simple ways to get rid of those.
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But then you've gotta learn to get beyond that mindset of focusing on I can't have this, I can't have that right.
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What can I have, what should I be eating, and how can I get that thing into my meals in a way that's quick, simple and delicious?
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So I'll love it long-term.
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You want to focus on the target you're trying to hit, not the target you're trying to avoid.
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And isn't it interesting that God created these whole plant foods in the way that they are selective?
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They're naturally selective.
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They just do this by nature because it's how he created them.
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Now, I've kind of given you the answer there, but I just want you to stop for a minute.
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Think about garlic.
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Just this one thing it stops only the growth of cancer cells and doesn't touch normal cells.
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Now think about this for a minute.
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What else does that remind you of?
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I kind of gave the answer away.
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What else does this remind you of?
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Whole plant foods?
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All whole plant foods do this.
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They tend to target the things in our body that we need to get rid of, and helps our body get it out of there, get rid of the trash, get rid of the toxic things.
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But what happens is it keeps getting bombarded by those things over and over again, the things that are sabotaging us, and then we don't have the good nutrients coming in and we don't have the water to wash it all out either.
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That's super, super important.
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If you don't have those three things happening together, how can your body prevent the toxins from building up?
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How can your body have the nutrients it needs to repair?
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So this is a several step process, but the important thing is is first learning what do I need to eat?
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What needs to be on my plate?
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Garlic needs to be on your plate.
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Whole plant feeds, the five power feeds, need to be on your plate, because they all naturally fight the invaders, the intruders, the inflammation, the things we want to get rid of, while naturally helping our body to heal, because they give our bodies the nutrients they need.
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Especially if you're new to whole food, plant based living and if you're thinking what are some of the steps that I can do that can move the needle for me now the most, and I would say definitely garlic would be one of those.
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Plus, it just tastes amazing.
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As long as it's not something like a dessert or oatmeal, it tastes amazing on the right things.
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And that gets to the next point how do you get it then?
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I mean, this is the big question we see all the time.
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I just got an email this morning from a listener and she said it's great, I know I need whole plant feeds, but I'm stuck with not knowing what to do.
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I mean, I've got some rice, I've got some beans, what else can I eat?
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I'm getting tired of these two things together all the time.
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And the same would go with garlic.
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I've got garlic, I know I need it, I want to eat it.
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You can't just go through your life saying I want to do this thing, I want to do that thing.
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You've got to have a plan.
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What is your plan?
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How are you going to know what step to take next and what step to take next?
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So you gain knowledge for a while, but then you've got to know how to implement that knowledge that take you to the life you want to live, that active days you picture yourself living, that you see in your future that just aren't happening because you don't feel good.
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So, with garlic, what are the simple ways to get it?
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These are the kind of things we do inside Power On Plant Society, the group coaching mastermind community.
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So we're going to do this with you right now.
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I want you to think about, first of all, raw or cooked, right?
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People ask that raw or cooked.
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We say both, but the problem is that most people are not getting raw.
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And so when you cook a food, yes, some nutrients do magnify, and that's a great thing, but a lot of the nutrients, like the enzymes that help you to assimilate the nutrients, to break them down in your body, to use them optimally are denatured above a certain temperature.
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So then you get into the fact of not being able to use everything that's in that food.
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This is why you want to focus on ways to get raw as well as cook, because most of us are missing or not getting nearly enough raw foods.
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So what are some simple ways to get raw garlic?
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And inside the group I might ask this, and people would just start chiming in oh, I love putting it on this, oh, I like putting it on that, oh, I like this, I like that.
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And then we would chime in and say, hey, here's what we do, here's some more simple ways that you can do this.
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It's crazy.
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I got this direct message from one of our members this morning and she may not know it, but she has coined a new term that I love so much Christy Girl.
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I love this.
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This is what she wrote me about her experience inside the membership.
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She said I saw this other member, what she posted and it looks super because Christy herself had posted something.
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Another member had been made her take on it, and so we've been talking back and forth about different ways we could modify this power on plants recipe to change it up, to make a whole different dish, to make something different off of it, just from the idea.
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So she said I saw this member's post on what I did her take on it.
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It looked good.
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I was excited to see how she worked it out and what she would alter next time.
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So then she writes constant hashtag circle of creativity.
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I love this hashtag so much Circle of creativity and that is exactly what this community is.
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We see you coming into the group, plugging in, getting involved, sharing what you're doing, inspire somebody else to have an idea to do something else, and you get this hashtag circle of creativity where you then know what to do.
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You know I just shared with you about the email I got this morning from this listener who didn't know what to do beyond rice and beans.
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This is how you learn.
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You've got to get in the community with people who are actively doing this, who are actively posting, getting involved.
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They're not spending hours and hours of their day.
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None of us have time for that, sister.
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None of us have time for that, or brothers.
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I know you're listening too.
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I'm showing you the love right here.
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But this is the thing Hashtag, a circle of creativity, and she said once we get in the loop, there's no stopping us.
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Think about that for a minute.
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She has gotten it and this is why we're seeing her get results.
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This is why we're seeing the other person she's talking about get results.
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They are not where they want to be yet.
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We should never, on a growth journey, be where we want to be it.
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I'm not where I necessarily want to be yet.
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Because we constantly want to be growing and thriving.
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But that happens inside the right community where people are sharing their ideas.
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What should I cook?
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How do I use this ingredient?
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Oh, I just made this with this ingredient and last time I bought that ingredient, it went bad in my fridge because I didn't know what to do with it.
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Now I've made this thing and I know what I liked about it and I know how to tweak it next time, and this is going to become a new Hashtag go-to favorite of mine.
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This is what we see happening day after day, week after week, inside a power-on-plant society.
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So let's now think about what can you do with raw garlic.
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How can you, right now, start getting more raw garlic into your life?
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Some ways that we do it.
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We love eating raw garlic in a salad dressing.
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Do you know that you need to become a sauce boss?
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We have a sauce boss podcast episode about that that you should listen to at some point.
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But what I want you to think about here is sauces and dressings are not hard to replace.
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It's crucial that you learn how to replace those right away in the beginning and find your new favorites of those, because sauces make your meals taste amazing and if you can make a sauce and drop a fresh garlic clove in there.
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People talk about how hard fresh garlic is to use.
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I honestly don't get it, because you buy a bulb of fresh garlic.
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All you have to do is peel the skin off of it.
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You don't even have to chop it or mince it, you throw it into your blender with the sauce ingredients.
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Boom, two minutes later, sauces on the plate.
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I say five minutes sauces, but honest to goodness, they are one to two minutes what you know how to make them.
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That's how simple this is.
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This is the easiest way you can possibly eat.
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It is the simplest when you know how.
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It's easy, clean up, it's easy to do now.
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Do you like guacamole or avocado?
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It's great on toast.
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It's great on sandwiches as a base.
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There's so many different ways you can use it.
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Just think dressings, sources that's the easy way to get it on your salads, your casseroles.
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That you're drizzling dressings over your potatoes.
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That you're drizzling Sources over guacamole, homemade pico.
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Take this so easy to make, so easy and delicious, wonderful in the summertime Sources for your nourish bowls.
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I was thinking tofu.
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Oh, my word.
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Asian peanut sauce.
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Oh, yeah, that was one of the first things that came to my mind, garlic on there.
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Now, that's not as much raw, because we usually bake them, but it can't be raw.
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Wasn't thinking about that?
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No, but we also do our tofu in the dehydrator.
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And let me tell you, if you get a good sauce on some tofu and you dehydrate it we say it stayed about 118 degrees Fahrenheit, so you don't get that denaturing of the enzymes you will not believe how good your tofu tastes in a dehydrator.
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Just do not make the mistake of going to bed at night without taking it out of the dehydrator.
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How do I know?
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Because it happened to us.
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We've done it.
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It's tofu jerky time.
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You don't want that with your tofu.
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It does not.
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I don't love it.
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I actually have a child who does like that, jair, and I don't love it so much.
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We really like it where it's just like baked.
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You are not going to tell a difference between baked and cooked in your dehydrator.
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You're still going to maintain the nutrients.
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We know that tofu even contains more nutrients when it's not heated hot, and if you have the one to two hours to put it in your dehydrator to get it as dry as you'd like Some of you might prefer it up to three hours.
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I really wouldn't go any longer than that you stir it in your favorite sauce, which is going to have raw garlic in it, and when your tofu's done, your garlic is still going to be raw because you've cooked it at 118 or below.
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You've maintained the nutrient profile and, boom, there's more raw garlic.
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That was genius.
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But I would like to say, though, that we use the Asian peanut sauce for way more than just the tofu.
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Oh my goodness, use it raw on some well.
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I'd say cooked rice yes right, but you can pour the sauce.
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Oh, it would be raw over your rice, just like cool down a little bit.
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Oh, my goodness, I mean, it is just not hard to get raw garlic into your life.
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You will not believe how amazing this one thing will just start making you feel how quick this will help you kick a cold or prevent it in the first place, which is what we are all about.
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We don't even get it in the first place.
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Okay, now let's go to cook.
00:16:11.073 --> 00:16:12.078
What are the options here?
00:16:12.078 --> 00:16:27.172
Everything, anything you're cooking, I put it in pots of Instant Pot beans, soups, stews, casseroles, lasagnas, you name what we're making tacos, burritos, bowls.
00:16:27.172 --> 00:16:28.767
I mean there's so many things.
00:16:28.767 --> 00:16:32.546
Anything I'm cooking is pretty much going to have garlic again, unless it's a dessert.
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But what if they don't want to chop the garlic?
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00:16:36.289 --> 00:16:37.706
What if you don't want to chop the garlic?
00:16:37.706 --> 00:16:38.442
What could you do?
00:16:38.442 --> 00:16:40.024
All right, there's two camps here.
00:16:40.024 --> 00:16:41.282
There's the.
00:16:41.282 --> 00:16:45.006
I don't want to buy more gadget and have those in my kitchen, have to store them.
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I don't have room, I live in a small apartment.
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Then just use a chef's knife.
00:16:49.008 --> 00:16:52.309
That one knife is going to chop that garlic for you in a matter of seconds.
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But the thing here is you can buy a garlic press.
00:16:55.870 --> 00:16:57.365
They are not super expensive.