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You were born to live in freedom.
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What does that mean to you?
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What can mean?
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A lot of things.
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We're gonna talk about one thing in particular, but maybe today for you that looks like, hey, I'm stuck inside these four walls all day long.
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It will wear you out.
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Pop in your earbuds while you're listening to this podcast, put on your tennis shoes, get on a jacket, bundle up in five layers if you need to Like we just did.
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We just went on a family walk.
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We gathered everybody at the middle of the day and we said let's get out, even though it's winter, it's not snowing, it's not raining.
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Right now, it's cold.
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For our area it's cold.
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You may be somewhere colder, where that's not possible, but get your body moving.
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Pop in those earbuds while you're listening, but you don't have to just sit and listen.
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Do something else.
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Get your body moving, get going, because in movement there is freedom, and today we're talking about gaining freedom from restriction in your life, restriction.
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You think about dieting, and that's why I don't like calling this a whole food, plant-based diet.
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You'll see, as you use that term, because that's what people search.
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We have so many people tell us that when they get on the podcast app and they're searching and they find us.
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They're looking for whole food, plant-based diet.
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That's what they're typing in.
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We've got to escape the dieting mentality, though.
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Even though you hear us using that word, we're talking about way of eating, not dieting, so we're going to show you today some ways that you can escape restrictive thinking and gain the freedom that you were created to enjoy.
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Hey sister, welcome to the Power On Plants podcast.
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Are you tired of staring into the fridge wondering what to eat so you can just feel better?
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Do you want to avoid spending hours in the kitchen making complicated meals in the name of health?
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Would you love to leave fatigue behind and finally have the energy to do all the things you want to do?
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Hi, we're Charity in the Need to Resale Price followers, healthcare professionals, parents of four and big fans of great tasting food.
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We, too, tried exercising more, eating natural and clean foods, but we still found ourselves struggling with what we thought were changes that come with age or bad genes, and we weren't finding answers to traditional routes.
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So we dug into the research and created our secret nutritional weapon sustainable plant-based living.
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The truth is, you can eat more whole plant foods and it's not hard.
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You just need the way that's realistic and delicious, so you never feel deprived.
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If you're ready to enjoy your meals, no longer be held back by your health struggles and actively live your life, then you're in the right place.
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So grab your favorite plant-based cup of happy pop in those earbuds and let's get started.
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Many people think of whole-food, plant-based eating as restrictive and I'm gonna tell you Jirnav experienced this lifestyle for years and we've helped many other people.
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Our patients and our clients do the same, and what we know is it's not restrictive, it brings freedom.
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And as a believer, you've got to tell yourself this is another lie of the enemy that I've believed.
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If you have believed that it's restrictive, I want you to think about that for a minute.
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If in Genesis, god tells us the way we were created was to eat whole plant foods and seed-bearing plants that's what it says in Genesis 129.
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We then know we can take what was in the garden, how we were originally designed to eat and function the best.
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We know that living that way is going to bring freedom to our body, wellness to our body.
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We don't have to question that.
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But if you do question it, just in case you do and you still feel like it's restrictive.
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Start digging into the research for yourself.
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We spent years looking at research.
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We spent years looking at other people looking at research.
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We've looked at our own bodies.
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We've looked at the results of our clients and our patients and it's amazing.
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Every time, time after time, what we see is freedom, freedom, freedom.
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Here's what my assessment is on this whole situation.
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What we're led to believe is that what we eat really doesn't play that big of a role in our health.
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Because, we're taught that it's either bad luck or bad genes.
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And even during my training they would say, yes, like for someone that has type 2 diabetes.
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Yes, encourage them diet and exercise, but when that fails, here's the pill.
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Did they actually say those words?
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No, but that was pretty much the attitude of it.
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So I feel like the overarching theme and attitude throughout our society is that food.
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Yes, we know that you need to eat your fruits and veggies, but it doesn't really play that big of a role.
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No, probably not.
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So here's what I like to eat I have my steaks, I have my cheese pizzas, I have this, that and the other.
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So much of our diet consists of animal based products that when we look at I've got to make a change from that they don't see anything else.
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It's like there's a huge world waiting for them behind the curtain, but they don't know because they can't see it.
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I'm on word.
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I just have flashed as a prices ride in my mind, like behind what's behind the curtain?
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Number two, bob, I mean seriously Freedom.
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If you just knew freedom was there waiting for you and all it was going to cost you.
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Right, let's look at it as an investment, as a believer.
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This is not a cost.
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This is an investment in your ability to live out your God giving gifts.
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If God's giving you gifts and dreams and you can't live those out because you constantly are stuck, because you don't feel well, because you can't have the energy or summon up the energy that you need to do more than just get through the day, all those extra things, those extra desires God's laid on your heart that you want to do in this world, the people you want to help, all those dreams he's given you yeah, he's given you dreams.
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I know he has.
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He keeps showing us time after time that he has these plans for you.
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But you've got to gain the freedom from restrictive thinking.
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But it's not just the people that you know, like friends, family members, coworkers, that are relying upon you.
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Just think five, 10 years from now.
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There are people that need you for what God's called you to do, so there are people you don't even know that are relying upon you.
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They're waiting and praying and just wishing and hoping that someone would show up to help them.
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And you already have the answer, because you've already walked through the thing that they need help with.
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You know what I'm talking about.
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It's your business experience.
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It's the experience you have of going through grief or loss.
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It's the experience that you have through having children.
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You're a mom.
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You're a homeschooling mom.
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Maybe you could help someone with homeschooling.
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How are you going to do that if you don't feel like it, if you don't have the energy you need?
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Sure, maybe you could do a little bit, but right now you're just trying to survive the day.
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You can't even see beyond.
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But you know God's given you the dream.
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He doesn't want you to stay stuck.
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You want you to show up 100%.
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Absolutely, and you've got to feel 100%, to show up 100%.
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I know I spent so many years not feeling 100% and just wondering why do I feel this way?
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And not knowing all along.
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The answer was right there in Genesis.
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The answer was right there in the research that backs up Genesis.
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We don't have to wonder oh, but didn't later on, but didn't God allowed us to do a lot of things in the word?
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Look at it, Look at the different things he allowed people to do.
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That wasn't His original plan and how that went for them.
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And I'm not going to go in-depth into all that kind of stuff, Just go back to the garden.
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God is working to get us back to the garden.
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He's coming back here to live with us.
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You know we think about, oh, we just want to live.
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And then, you know, survive this life, because this world is not our home.
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And then we want to get to heaven and glory.
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The glory days will be there.
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Well, he wants you to have some glory days here.
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You know your life is about more than just crossing over the golden shores and reaching the joy-filled place where you'll have nothing but bliss.
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He is coming back to rule and reign on earth with you as His ambassadors.
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You're already His ambassador here on earth, and an ambassador can't just sit there and not do anything because they don't feel like it.
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You have a responsibility.
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You have to be a steward.
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He's going to say one day either well done, good and faithful servant, or not.
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So you have this responsibility.
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What do you do with the gifts he's given you?
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And you have to feel well to do it and what are you doing with the body he's given you?
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Well, you're listening to the podcast.
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Do you have the ability to know?
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I need to eat the five power foods.
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I need to eat Fruits, veggies, whole grains, nuts and seeds, legumes, and I always throw in herbs and spices because they're also seed-bearing plants.
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Right, they're great for us.
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They're really good for us.
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So you want to be getting these foods into your life.
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We know what the five power foods are.
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These are the healthiest foods on the planet.
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The Bible says it, but it is backed up by research time and time again.
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Not only that, we've lived it.
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We can tell you we've walked the path before that path.
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You've walked before that.
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You're going to help somebody escape their troubles from that.
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You're going to encourage and lead somebody along on.
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We're doing that for you because we've been there.
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We understand what it's like to feel exhausted or to have aches and pains and not know why is this happening to me?
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There's got to be a better way and I'm trying and doing the things that people say is healthy, Like eating the better cheeses that don't have that added hormones.
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But never mind, it's already filled with hormones because it's a hormone-based lactation product of an animal.
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It's a mammary secretion of an animal that is filled with hormones by nature.
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But nobody's telling you that they're just like drink milk.
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Milk does the body good.
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I don't think they can say that now Can they even say Well, no, legally they can't say it does the body good.
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So all they can say is got milk, Got milk.
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But what they do is this whole-baiting switch, and we've talked about this so many times.
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Where it has calcium, We'd need calcium, so hey, you must drink milk.
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But that's not the best source of calcium for us.
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Right, right but they don't focus on all the other stuff that's in there.
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Well, no, they get you focused on that one little thing, calcium, and they tell you that that's the source.
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It is a source but they don't talk about.
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Is it the best source?
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Yes, and so now you're worried about getting this one little nutrient.
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Mind you, plant-based foods have all these nutrients your body needs.
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You worry about where you get your boron.
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Right, no, did you even know your body needs boron Probably not.
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But they've got you so focused on protein and not getting your protein, not getting your calcium, all these things that are just for the most part it is ludicrous.
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I mean it's crazy, but that is the enemy's job to get you distracted, to keep you distracted from what you need to have.
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He doesn't have to worry about getting you to do a lot of the wrong thing if he can keep you from doing the right thing.
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There's so many different ways he can do that.
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I mean he might just keep you distracted from doing the right thing, or he might have you getting a lot of the wrong thing, or he might have you getting a lot of the wrong thing that takes place of the right thing in your life.
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I mean there's so many different ways that can go for you, azzar, he's doing some of each, but if he can just keep you distracted or make you think it's restrictive and hard, you'll never even look into it.
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You won't even fight it, you just will shy away from it.
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Or if you look into it and you try it and you find one new favorite and then another new favorite.
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It's like our last episode.
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Go back and listen to that episode where we talk about how so many people aren't willing to keep showing up and doing the same simple thing over and over again.
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But you're going to get success by doing that.
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But he makes you think it's hard.
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Oh, it's going to be so hard.
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Oh, it's restrictive.
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You're going to feel deprived.
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You're going to need cheat days All that built in dieting mentality, because you've spent so much of your life trying to diet, because you thought that's what you were supposed to do.
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And it's not your fault.
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We're not laying any judgment or blame on you at all.
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We've seen people struggle with it.
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We've struggled with trying to figure out what to do with our health years ago and we found the answer here.
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So simply, right at the beginning of the word.
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Thought of analogy here, but it's not a car analogy.
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Oh man.
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So let's say, I'm going from where I am to I don't know, 20, 30 feet away from here.
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Now I could jump 20 or 30 feet.
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That would be hard.
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I don't even know if that's humanly possible, but it would be extremely hard.
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Maybe I've got some springs on my feet or something, but it would be hard.
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Or I can walk over there.
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Now it's one foot in front of the other.
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My stride might be a foot, foot and a half.
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I'm making small, incremental changes, but I will get there.
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It's not hard.
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I just have to keep taking steps.
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While I'm over here, worried about well, what if I could build me a jet pack and, you know, a trampoline or some kind of device to get me over there, I just try to jump it.
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That's hard, that's impossible.
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Don't you think sometimes he gets you distracted on all the different ways you could get over there?
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Think about that for a minute Like oh, Somebody on YouTube figured out a way to do it, and now I've got to try to incorporate that in my life.
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But it's really either difficult or not possible, or whatever.
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And you're stuck trying to figure out the way.
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And so he gets you stuck, and that is what we wanted to talk to you about today.
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You get distracted on all these little possibilities Many times before you know the way.
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Like whole plant foods are the way to heal your body.
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There is no doubt about it.
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Not only is it in the word, it has been in the nutritional research for years.
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We've experienced it in our lives.
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Our clients experience it on a regular basis reversing diabetes, reversing digestive issues they've had for 14 years and had to take medication for they're off the medication, feeling great Headaches gone, neck pain nine out of 10 completely vanished.
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Autoimmune disease is vanishing.
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I mean, I could go on and on cholesterol going down, blood pressure back to normal.
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These are the foods.
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But so many times when you don't even know this is the route, you don't know this is the food.
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You get distracted with all the keto, paleo, all these different things that are not going to get you the results, long-term, lasting results that you need because it's not addressing the root problem.
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But then, when you figure out, okay, it's whole-fee, plant-based.
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You know, I really do believe these are the foods that are going to help me.
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You struggle making whole-fee plant-based stick.
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You keep coming back and trying it and then you leave again and you do something else.
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Because you get distracted, because you feel like it's hard, you feel like it's restrictive.
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Because you get stuck within the confines of what you know is right.
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Okay, so God has confines of what is right, what is righteous, with Him in His Word about different actions and things were to do.
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We know that whole-plant foods are good for us, according to Genesis 1, 29.
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Right, we know that they're going to help us thrive.
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We know that.
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So eat more of the five power feeds.
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But then you get into whole-fee plant-based and you're going well, should I eat more fresh or more frozen?
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I mean, if I eat blueberries, should I eat them fresh or frozen?
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What about mangoes?
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Should they be fresh or frozen?
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Should I eat blackberries fresh or frozen?
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And you get stuck in these things that don't really matter where.
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Within His boundaries, many times he gives us freedom to choose.
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He wants you to use your creativity.
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He's blown the breath of life into you.
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He is a creative being and you are created in His image.
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It's beautiful.
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So use your creative license within those areas of what will work for you.
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It's not unrighteous to eat a frozen versus a fresh berry.
00:15:00.696 --> 00:15:05.518
Like, just stay within the bounds of okay, I'm not going to add the oil, because that isn't good for me.
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It's going to make me feel sluggish.
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It's going to stop up my veins.
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It's going to stop up my arteries, my vessels.
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It's going to make me feel bad.
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It's going to make me hurt.
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Trust me, I know the oils will make you.
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If you're hurting and you're still eating oils and you're thinking I'm eating a whole-fee, plant-based, I don't know what to do.