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Good day, sunshine.
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A big turnaround for you.
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So join us today as we discuss the differences between making a choice and making a decision.
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Hey sister, welcome to the Power on Plants podcast.
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Are you tired of staring into the fridge wondering what to eat so you can just feel better?
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Do you want to avoid spending hours in the kitchen making complicated meals in the name of health?
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Would you love to leave fatigue behind and finally have the energy to do all the things you want to do?
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Hi, we're Jared and Anita Roussel, christ followers, health care professionals, parents of four and big fans of great tasting food.
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We, too, tried exercising more, eating natural and clean foods, but we still found ourselves struggling with what we thought were changes that come with age or bad genes, and we weren't finding answers to traditional routes.
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So we dug into the research and created our secret nutritional weapon sustainable plant-based living.
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The truth is, you can eat more whole plant foods, and it's not hard.
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You just need the way.
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That's realistic and delicious, so you never feel deprived.
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If you're ready to enjoy your meals, no longer be held back by your health struggles and actively live your life, then you're in the right place.
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So grab your favorite plant-based cup of happy pop in those earbuds and let's get started.
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Hey there, sunshine.
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We are so glad to have you with us today.
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If you're new to Whole Food, plant-based Living, you are in the perfect place, and if you've been on this amazing journey for a while now, you know we're happy to have you as a part of the Power on Plants family.
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We love getting to know you, hearing the testimonials of what's happening in your life through the emails that you send us inside of Pi, our free community, and working with you as our clients.
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This is game-changing Well, I really shouldn't say game-changing, because life is not a game.
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I don't know why we, why do we use game-changing?
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Is it the sports attitude?
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I think it's just a sports analogy and it's just become common vernacular and people know what you mean when you say game-changing.
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It's life-changing.
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Yeah, exactly this is life-changing.
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It's life-giving and you have chosen the absolute best thing to look into.
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Maybe you're doing just that.
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You're looking into whole food, plant-based living.
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What we want you to start thinking about today is something that Jared and I were talking about recently.
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You know, I just went on a trip to visit some good friends of ours.
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I visited my brother also on this trip.
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It was so much fun.
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I took our oldest with us and when I got back, jared and I went down to our favorite place by the beach and we love to sit there and discuss what have we been thinking, what have we been learning?
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And he had been listening to some teaching on a different topic and he told me he said what the guy was saying absolutely applies to whole food, plant-based living.
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It wasn't about plant-based living, it wasn't even about health, but what's so much fun is when, all of a sudden, god takes these things you've been learning in these different areas of your life and this light bulb goes off and you realize, man, this totally applies to a lot of life, but especially with whole food, plant-based living, and that is the difference between making a choice and making a decision.
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And what he was talking about is how do you get massive results in anything?
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Of course he was talking about in finance.
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But who doesn't want massive results with their life?
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With this lifestyle?
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We have chosen to pursue whole food, plant-based living.
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If you're going to do it, do it right.
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Get massive results.
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So you may be thinking well, decision, choice.
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That really sounds like the same thing, but when you really tease out the finer points of both, they're similar but different.
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I think they're very different.
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They're very different.
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But again, on the surface you may think, wait a minute, are you just kind of playing word games here?
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And the answer is no.
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So with a choice, you have different selections, but you do not eliminate any of those selections, meaning today I choose A, but tomorrow I might choose B, if that suits my fancy that day, or just whatever.
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Whereas a decision, when you actually look at the meaning of the word, it, means you select one option and then you close yourself off to all other options which, when you look at it from a biblical standpoint, sounds a lot like a covenant.
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It sounds a lot like, hey, I'm doing this and I'm going to go at it with all that I have.
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And I thought of a great analogy, which would be dating versus marriage.
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So in the traditional, worldly sense of dating, you're going out, you're meeting a lot of different people, you're getting to know them, whereas with marriage, you're saying I'm committing to you and you alone, and I'm shutting myself off from all other options.
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That would be a decision that would be a decision.
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That would be a decision and, like I said, that is more like a covenant.
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You are going to give it all that you have to pursue that one Well in marriage, that one person, but in the whole food plant based world you're going to pursue whole food plant based with all that you have.
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So, in other words, you're not leaving the door open, you're not just making a choice and saying, well, I'm going to try this out, that's a choice, I'm going to try this out, and maybe so you've got in the back of your mind there's always an out.
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It's like entering marriage with the idea that divorce is always an option.
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So, in the world of whole food, plant based living, how do you make the distinction between making a choice and making a decision?
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How does this apply?
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Well, when you're looking at starting a whole food, plant-based diet or maybe you've started, but in your mind, you've got in the back of your mind I'm going to try this for a little while, and if it doesn't work out, I can always do something else.
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Now, while that may be true, you don't want to enter in with the idea of I'm going to test this out, I'm going to try it to see.
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Just make the decision.
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It's going to be so much easier for you.
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Take it from two healthcare professionals that work with our clients and patients on a regular basis.
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You do not want to make a choice when it comes to this.
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You want it to be a solid decision, thinking okay, I have surety, I have decisiveness.
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I've seen the results, I've read the testimonials, I've watched the movies and the science backs it up.
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The science backs it up.
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God says in Genesis 129, this is the best way to feed my body.
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It's how I was originally created to eat.
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When we look at all these things together and we see all the different diseases that reverse I mean Jared and I alone in our medical practice regularly see patients reverse type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, autoimmune disease, low energy, brain fog, aches and pains.
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There's so many different things.
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I mean I alone have reversed my fibrocystic breast disease and interstitial cystitis and fibromyalgia and all these different things that I was dealing with in my life low energy, all these things that were keeping me from living the life that I wanted to live.
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How did I do that?
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I reached a point where I was so miserable I knew I had to make a decision to go all in on something that was going to make a difference in my life.
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And when we started reading and digging into the research and seeing all the testimonials, like we're telling you to look at or listen to here on the podcast or watch the movie Forks Over Knives or the movie what the Health?
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Those are both online.
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Look them up, watch them, get yourself motivated.
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See the testimonials, listen to what we're telling you and sharing and the people that come on here and share their results.
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Get inside Pi, our free group, and get the inspiration you need.
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But once you have all that and you say, look, this works.
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And it works for a lot of stuff.
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And here it is in the Bible and here's the results.
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Once you've got that, don't wait until you have everything perfectly figured out.
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Once you've got that, don't wait until you have everything perfectly figured out.
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Make the decision, go all in and be sure of the course that you've decided and walk confidently in it.
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Does this mean you have to have everything figured out ahead of time?
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No, but you have decided and you are going to start moving forward in this one direction.
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Yes, there are tons of great things you can learn that are going to help you on this whole food plant-based journey.
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In our upcoming course, I'm going to be taking you through our five-step success path to show you, step-by-step, exactly how to make plant-based living sustainable so you can feel great and actively enjoy living.
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But do not wait.
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You have there's no reason to wait till you have it all perfectly figured out or you know all the things to make it quicker and simple and easy and delicious.
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We're going to show you all those things as we go inside the course.
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I'm going to be doing kitchen demos and showing you these things step by step.
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But right now, surround yourself with the people that are going to inspire you and what they've already learned, that they can start sharing those with you.
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Get yourself in a place where you can look up specifically where we've talked about different things, about whole food, plant-based living.
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You can search the exact place where we've said those things in our podcast.
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You can get all these things right now inside our free group podcast.
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Insiders experience by going to power on plantscom forward slash pie.
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That's poweronplantscom forward slash pie, and there is where you're going to get started.
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Make the decision, just gain the basic information you need and say, look, I'm headed this way.
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There's no going back, I'm not going to just be testing the waters, I'm not going to date around like, if this doesn't work, I can try keto, I can try carnivore, I can try this.
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Just let all other options go right now and say, look, I'm not going to be thinking about all the things I could be doing.
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I'm going to decide the one thing that research shows time and again works.
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I'm going to start eating the most nutrient dense foods on the planet that fuel my body well, that set me up for success, that give me the future that I know I was created to have.
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I was not meant to be walking around sick and exhausted and unable to think.
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God has great things for me.
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There are great things that I've been put here to do.
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And how can I do those things if I'm not taking care of my body, if it's not getting the nutrients it needs?
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Yeah, I'm hungry all the time.
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I'm hungry all the time because my body's crying out you need the nutrients you're not getting.
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How do you get those in the way that is simple, enjoyable and delicious?
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How do you get your mindset right?
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How do you get your environment right?
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Those are five things that we're going to be walking you through, not in that specific order, but these are the things you need to understand.
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But you don't have to have it all figured out in the beginning.
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Don't have to have it all figured out in the beginning, and that is the beautiful news here.
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You just need to start surrounding yourself with the right people.
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You make that decision.
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You say this is what I'm going to do, because I see time and again that it works.
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It blows our minds.
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It still blows our minds.
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We've been doing this for years, gotten amazing results for ourselves, but we see our clients this stuff happening all the time.
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Jared just had a client that he works with in telemedicine and he told her these things nobody has told her this before.
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And he's like look, you're dealing with type 2 diabetes.
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You're wearing a glucose monitor every day.
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I want you to think about how that affects her life.
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How are your health struggles affecting your life every day?
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All these things you're struggling with.
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And you go to the doctor and they keep giving you medicines and they don't get to the root cause and you're like I don't know what to do.
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I've tried diet after diet I ought to be a nutrition expert by now and it's not working.
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It's not sustainable, it does not last.
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And he shared with her the simple principles that you're going to start implementing when you come inside Pi and the things that we're going to walk you through step by step in depth in the kitchen, showing you how to do these things when our course comes out.
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Do not wait Again.
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Get inside, pie.
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But I want you to understand what has happened for this woman and what can start happening for you.
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You won't believe it.
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In such a short amount of time he's got to tell the story.
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Yeah, well, within two weeks she no longer needs insulin.
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Her blood sugar levels have normalized within just two weeks.
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So you don't have to wait six months a year to get results.
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You can see changes in as little as a week or two.
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And he's having his appointments with her and she's going.
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Why has nobody told me this?
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You can't say that.
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We're telling you this now and now.
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You know, and now you have a choice to make, but are you going to make a choice?
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Or are you going to make a choice or are you going to make a decision that's going to change your life?
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Because you've decided this is for me.
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I'm going to try this and I'm going to go straight forward and look and keep my on this course to changing their lives, hearing their testimonials, getting to know them, building relationships and surround myself with people that are going to encourage me and share their ideas, and I can share mine, and I'll tell you that's what makes 100% of the difference.
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Get yourself in that right place, make the decision and get yourself in a place where you're going to get the support and encouragement that you need.
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Because what we find is a lot of people that fail.
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They're isolated, they're trying to go it alone, they get discouraged and then they fall right back to what they were doing before.
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So community is so important.
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It's key.
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It's absolutely key.
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We hope that this amazing testimonial has inspired you to make the decision to step into whole food, plant-based living a hundred percent Go all in.
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Things can happen so very quickly and, honestly, it is the easiest way to go.
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Don't look back.
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Surround yourself with people that are going to encourage you, because this is your life.
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Who else is going to make these decisions for you but you?
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Sometimes these things seem so hard and you feel like you've got to have everything all figured out, but you don't.
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Sometimes it's the key of making that one right decision that's going to change everything for you.
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Sunshine, we hope you have a great day.
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We look forward to getting to know you more inside of Podcast Insider's Experience and we can't wait to hear your testimonial too.
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