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I'm so glad you're joining us today.
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You are in for a real treat.
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We've been talking about milk and meat, and today we're talking about the incredible edible egg.
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What does that even mean?
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Do you hear any health claims in that?
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I don't either, and I wonder why.
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So today we're gonna be lifting the fog off of should we eat eggs, should we not?
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Are they healthy, are they not?
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And the why behind it all.
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Hey sister, welcome to the Power on Plants podcast.
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Are you tired of staring into the fridge wondering what to eat so you can just feel better?
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Do you want to avoid spending hours in the kitchen making complicated meals in the name of health?
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Would you love to leave fatigue behind and finally have the energy to do all the things you want to do?
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Hi, we're Jared and Anita Roussel, christ followers, healthcare professionals, parents of four and big fans of great tasting food.
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We, too, tried exercising more, eating natural and clean foods, but we still found ourselves struggling with what we thought were changes that come with age or bad genes, and we weren't finding answers to traditional routes.
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So we dug into the research and created our secret nutritional weapon sustainable plant-based living.
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The truth is, you can eat more whole plant foods, and it's not hard.
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You just need the way that's realistic and delicious so you never feel deprived.
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If you're ready to enjoy your meals, no longer be held back by your health struggles and actively live your life, then you're in the right place.
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So grab your favorite plant-based cup of happy pop in those earbuds and let's get started.
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The incredible edible egg.
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As you said, anita, no health claims in that statement and it sounds great, it rhymes, it's one of those things that seems to inspire action, but when you take a moment and think, what does that even really mean?
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What does it mean?
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And you hear edible and it sounds like a really fancy word and you think, yeah, yeah, it's edible.
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That's wait a minute.
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And you start thinking about what edible means.
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It's like that's not really a compliment to the egg.
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I mean edible.
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If you break it down, it means the unbelievable eatable egg Incredible.
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Now we use incredible as a term of wow, that's so amazing, that's incredible.
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But it means I can't believe that.
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And then it means edible.
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So it's a I can't believe that's edible egg, maybe that is.
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The message there's a lot of truth there.
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When you break it down.
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Maybe it means the exact opposite of what we believe for all these years the unbelievable eatable egg.
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It's like, no, don't eat that.
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But this is basically the third part of an unofficial trilogy.
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We didn't set out for this to be a trilogy, but we've talked about dairy, we've talked about meat and now we're talking about eggs and listen at the end of this episode.
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If you did not hear those other two, you have to go back and listen to them.
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You're not going to want to miss the things that we've shared, these eye-opening revelations that we've gotten along the way as we dug into the research and figured out why we were feeling so bad for all this time, so many years of our lives spent trying to heal and figure out what's going on and why don't we feel good all the time being told these are the healthy things.
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I mean you're eating cage-free and you're eating free-range and you're eating no hormone added and you're eating all these different things, not knowing what's going on behind the scenes of all these quote healthy foods.
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So definitely, after this episode, go back and listen to the one about dairy and meat.
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You're not going to want to miss this and I promise you there are going to be some nuggets in there that you have not heard before.
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We constantly have this happen all the time.
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I mean Jared and seeing his patients and us working with our clients.
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It's like why has no one told me this stuff before?
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And I'm going to be breaking down a lot of these same types of mind blowing facts inside our course accelerator.
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This program begins January 12.
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And you do not want to miss it.
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If you're even thinking about it, join now, because we are offering $2,000 off.
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We are never doing this again.
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We started it around Black Friday.
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We have extended it through January 12th because it's an offer for founding members, only for this first class.
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After that it is not going to be $2,000 off.
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I'm telling you, when you see the value that's inside and you go through this and get the life changes that are happening, with us walking you step by step to get the health results that you've been after for far too long, because no one's been telling you what is at the root of this, when you can get to the root of the health issues that you're having and you can figure out how to change what you're doing in the way that science backs up has been the problem those sabotaging foods it's like what's even sabotaging me, and then what is good for me?
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And then, when you can actually see what is good for you, the next step is well, how do I get those things in the way that's actually realistic with my life, and not only that exciting and enjoyable, so that I do it for life and diets have been so rampant and so confusing and so overwhelming and leading us to a place where maybe we get some results, but then, at the end of it, we end up quote falling off the wagon.
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This framework that we're going to take you through step by step inside Accelerator is five steps, and these are the five steps that work time and time again.
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But this framework is the exact answer to the question that you're asking yourself how do I stop falling off the healthy eating wagon so that I can finally have a body that feels great and supports me in living my God-given mission right?
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Because when you finally get down to it, the issue isn't really about the food.
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Yeah, we want to have great tasting food, we want food that lights us up, food that's quick and simple to prepare.
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We're going to show you how to do that.
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But the real issue is how do you get your body to the place that those foods, that resource, is fueling your body so well that now you're able to get out there and do all those things that you were born to do, to live out those God-given dreams that God has put on your heart?
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And when you don't realize the things, like we're sharing some of them with you here today.
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When you don't realize those things, you don't even know where to start.
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But then, once you do get those insights and you think, oh, now I understand, you know that's another thing that needs to go.
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Well, what are you going to put back in its place and how are you going to make that thing taste just as good as your old favorites?
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And that is exactly what we're going to walk you through, step by step, in our five step accelerator framework inside accelerator, because you want to get there and you want to get there faster in the way that's going to keep you there, because you absolutely love it.
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And that's what Jared and I say all the time.
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Oh, you know, just joking about, because people constantly say don't you miss this?
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Don't you feel so deprived?
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No, we don't.
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We never feel deprived.
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We don't miss out on any of those old quote favorites that we called good with our mouth naming it good All the time.
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It's the food that's sabotaging us and keeping us sick.
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No, we don't miss those things, because we now, in this way of eating, have great flavor.
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We love it.
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It's quick, it's easy to prepare and it makes our body feel amazing, and that's something that an egg is never going to do for you because it can't.
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It's just edible.
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I do want to give you a trigger warning, though, about the dairy and the meat episodes.
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You may not have a hankering for those anymore, but you know, sorry, not sorry.
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You need to know the truth.
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It just so frustrates me, especially when I'm talking with my patients and telling them these things, and time and time again, they've never heard this before, and these are key elements in optimizing your health.
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So in today's ending of the trilogy, the incredible edible eggs.
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Now, you mentioned something about using the word good and that we need to be careful the way that we use these words, because they have meaning.
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With egg.
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We hear that it is an excellent source of protein.
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Did you just say egg-cellent?
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I did not, but I like that.
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I like that it sounded like you said egg-cellent.
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I really don't think they're excellent.
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We need to be careful of the words that we use, because they carry certain meanings, even though eggs do have protein in them.
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When we think excellent source, now I'm hearing myself saying excellent, I messed you up, didn't I?
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I did.
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We say that it's an excellent source, meaning that there is an abundance of protein in it, but then we also associate that this is a good, healthy, optimal source of it.
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And it really isn't, because it comes with a lot of other things that we'll touch on, but they're going to be very familiar to you, especially if you've heard our last two podcast episodes.
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You know, and interestingly, they can't even be called protein rich.
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We as individuals, meaning the population as a whole, may say it's an excellent source of protein, but corporations aren't allowed by law to be able to call them protein rich.
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I want to touch on that a little bit later, but just since we're talking about protein now, you won't see that in an advertisement protein rich eggs.
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Honestly, they're pretty much reduced to only being able to say it's edible, right.
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Wow, I mean, it's just mind blowing.
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Wrap your mind around that for a minute.
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When you have a quote food and all you can say about it is that it's edible, it should raise some red flags.
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Once you know it does.
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But if this has never been on your radar, if this has never been forefront of mind, then you would never think to ask these questions.
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Now, what are some of the downfalls of eggs?
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The major downfalls are going to be cholesterol and what we talked about in a previous episode.
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Go back and listen to episode 320, we talked about arachidonic acid.
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Eggs are very high in both of these and these are great for the baby chicken that it's supposed to develop Cholesterol, arachidonic acid, very necessary in the cell membranes of this to become a chicken egg.
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But they're not good for us.
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When we get them from dietary sources, our bodies make all the arachidonic acid and all the cholesterol that it needs.
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So any that we get from dietary sources is unnecessary and can have health consequences, health implications, so we don't want to get them in our diet.
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Yeah, and anybody who is struggling with cholesterol already knows that you don't want to add more cholesterol to your cholesterol.
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It really is a struggle today, and one of the reasons is not just your genetic, it's what we're eating.
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That is a major part of the problem.
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But we don't know and we don't understand and we don't know how to get it down once it's elevated.
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And that's the struggle, that's the frustration.
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The frustration for me as a provider is that patients aren't hearing this.
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Or they hear that it's just a genetic kind.
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You can get cholesterol in eggs, but it's not really going to bother you, and there are even some gurus out on YouTube with credentials that say, no, you need more cholesterol.
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Wow, here's the truth, though.
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Our bodies do need cholesterol.
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We need it for proper cell function.
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We may even need it for healing, so we may see bumps in cholesterol level after there's injury, because our body is making the cholesterol and the arachidonic acid and all these other things that we need for healing.
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But that's not to be confused with oh, you need more cholesterol in your diet.
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No, our bodies make what it needs and it self-regulates.
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So as we get what we need, then the body senses that and says, all right, let's cut down on the production.
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And what we make cholesterol-wise is not equivalent to what we get in our dietary sources.
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They are not the same.
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So we want to be careful that we're not hearing conflicting or messages that are almost kind of overlapping, like yeah, you need cholesterol and eggs are high in cholesterol, so you need it, so we eat more eggs.
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Yeah, that's where it starts to get really confusing, because your protein I'm not even going into protein right now because we have a lot of episodes on it and I'm sure we'll be talking about it again but a protein is not a protein.
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A carb is not a carbs.
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You can't just say carbs and think you mean the same thing every time you say carbs.
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There are healthy carbs.
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There are unhealthy carbs.
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There are some proteins that your body thrives on.
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There are some proteins your body doesn't thrive on, but yet those are the proteins you're being told you need to eat.
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I'm just throwing that out there to back up Jared's point that just because you hear a word doesn't necessarily mean what you think it means.
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So we want to define these things for you so that you can understand the differences.
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The answer to the question do eggs raise cholesterol?
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This was answered 40 years ago, back in the 1980s.
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Through studies, they found that a single egg can change your cholesterol.
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A single egg a day can change your cholesterol as much as 12% and that you will see those changes on blood work within just a couple of weeks.
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That's a huge bump.
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It is a huge bump especially if you already have a certain amount of cholesterol in your system because you're eating other dietary sources of cholesterol.
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And what if you're eating just one egg a day?
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I know there are many times that we were eating an egg a day, more than one egg a day or more than that.
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Yeah, because usually when we Three or four at a time when we scramble them, and I've seen people on YouTube that eat three or four eggs a day.
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This is nuts.
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That's concerning, highly concerning.
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Now you may hear of studies that say, well, eggs don't really change cholesterol, so they can be part of a quote.
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Healthy diet Corporations can't tell you that, but individuals you're talking to or you over here can say that because obviously they're not being regulated by the government yet.
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But in those studies that show that there is neutral effect, what they have done is taking individuals that are already on an animal product rich diet.
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Already they're eating meat and dairy just in what they normally eat.
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But in these studies they'll have them where they're eating meat and dairy.
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They'll add a few eggs to it and they see little or no change in their cholesterol level.
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But it's because they're already eating a lot of cholesterol and you're going to have a plateau effect.
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Your gut can only absorb so much cholesterol from the food that you eat.
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So, if you're already almost at that peak, to add a little extra is really not going to change anything.
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There's just a plateau.
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But it doesn't mean if you're eating a lot of meat and animal products, you should be adding eggs.
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That's not what we're saying here no, there are other elements within eggs that well, I'll go ahead and say detrimental.
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I was going to try to be diplomatic and say non-promoting.
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But I mean, there are other elements within eggs that are detrimental to our health.
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I don't want you thinking well shoot, I'm already maxed out, I love eggs, I'm just eating me some more eggs.
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No, there are other things in there that work strongly against your optimal health.
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So I wouldn't suggest doing that.
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But this highlights the point that you will see studies out there that say, oh no, no, there's really no change, there's no difference.
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So they can be part of your diet I'm not even going to say healthy, they can be part of your diet.
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Well, you need to look at what's the starting point.
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How are they manipulating the numbers?
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Because in some sense, even if the calculations are accurate, what was their starting point?
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Right, their starting point was already somebody that has high cholesterol.
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If you take somebody that's completely plant-based, give them one egg, you'll see a bump in their cholesterol.
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Totally different starting point, but that's going to give you a more accurate picture as to what is going on.
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Absolutely, and that's important.
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We need to know that.
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Now, their slogan the incredible edible egg.
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Do you remember when that, or do you know when it got started?
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Didn't you say it was the 80s?
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I think you just said it was the 80s, didn't you?
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No, that's when we knew the effect of eggs on cholesterol.
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Okay, the slogan the Incredible, edible Egg.
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I've heard it as long as I can remember.
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That's because it got started in 1976.
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And it was started by the American Egg Board, which is a board that promotes the consumption and the purchase of eggs for egg producers at large.
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But that got started in 1976, almost 50 years ago.
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I know you'd think they'd come up with something better, and I'm guessing it's because they hit a lot of brick walls and couldn't come up with something Exactly exactly.
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And not because they didn't have the ideas.
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They just kept getting shut down because there was no truth that they could promote about an egg that would say it was good for you.
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Because it's not.
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I saw where there were so many ads that they tried to promote it as safe and healthy and rich source of this, and each time the USDA shot them down they said you can't say this, you can't make these claims.
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And the reason being is that we know the link between high cholesterol and heart disease cardiovascular disease and so they can't make these claims.
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And the reason being is that we know the link between high cholesterol and heart disease cardiovascular disease and so they can't call it healthy when we know that clearly it is not, even though there are elements out there that try to obscure that.
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Again, gurus on YouTube where they try to promote it as being healthy.
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We know that it is not and we've known this for a very long time, but yet they're in business.
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They're trying to make money by selling eggs.
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How do you make money?
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You either charge more for the eggs and the market will only pay so much for an egg.
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If it's $10 for an egg, most people are going to say sorry.
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I think I might buy me some broccoli instead.
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I don't know how likely that would be for someone that is a self-avowed carnivore, but at some point you're not going to pay anymore.
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So you charge more or you sell more, and that's what their whole function is.
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The American Egg Board is.
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They want to help their members sell more and more eggs, and so we can't really be promoting this idea of our product is not healthy for you, because what are they going to do?
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They will sell no eggs.
00:17:54.579 --> 00:17:55.821
And so it just remains edible.
00:17:55.821 --> 00:17:58.647
So it just remains edible Correct.
00:17:59.209 --> 00:18:03.885
I think I saw one where they said you could promote it as satisfies hunger.
00:18:05.891 --> 00:18:07.453
Eggs satisfy hunger.
00:18:07.453 --> 00:18:08.938
Yeah, that makes me want to run to the store.
00:18:08.938 --> 00:18:09.819
Oh, right now.
00:18:10.119 --> 00:18:10.842
00:18:10.842 --> 00:18:19.303
So what we know about eggs is that what is bad about them is pretty much the same as what we see for milk and for meat.
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But I had this revelation in thinking about today's podcast, that a lot of people that are vegetarians they don't eat meat because that would involve killing an animal.
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So they'll drink milk and they'll eat eggs because these are products of those animals, but it's not having to kill an animal or harming an animal or harm the animal specifically.
00:18:38.401 --> 00:18:43.497
So eggs are unfertilized, so there's not really a viable animal there.
00:18:43.497 --> 00:18:52.443
So in their mind, we're not killing anything, but we're eating something that I think is healthy, it's a good source of protein and fats and all these other things, and really they aren't.
00:18:52.443 --> 00:18:59.409
And I believe that this is why that a lot of vegetarians don't really have much health difference between someone that is eating meat.
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People that eat meat say vegetarians don't really have different health outcomes than we that eat meat.
00:19:05.651 --> 00:19:09.883
So really all the health issues we have must simply be genetics.
00:19:09.883 --> 00:19:11.227
It's not really the food.
00:19:11.914 --> 00:19:15.222
So I'm just going to keep eating meat, Right, because the vegetarians have laid aside the meat.
00:19:15.222 --> 00:19:19.461
So the meat eaters say well, your health isn't any better, so therefore it must not be the meat.
00:19:19.634 --> 00:19:26.355
Or maybe marginally better, and maybe those individuals eat a lot more vegetables and maybe less dairy and egg, but do still eat some.
00:19:26.355 --> 00:19:29.737
What we're seeing is that it's still the same products.
00:19:29.737 --> 00:19:35.019
You're still getting the cholesterol, the arachidonic acid, also hormones, even eggs.
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Eggs have estrogen in them.
00:19:36.720 --> 00:19:44.784
It is an animal product, so it still has all these same elements in it that work against optimal health Right.
00:19:44.884 --> 00:19:48.744
And so they're also eating all the dairy on top of that as well.
00:19:48.744 --> 00:19:54.307
So you have the eggs, which we know are not healthy, and then you have the dairy and go back and listen to the dairy on top of that as well.
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So you have the eggs, which we know are not healthy, and then you have the dairy and go back and listen to the dairy episode.
00:19:57.068 --> 00:19:57.568
It was very eye-opening.
00:19:57.568 --> 00:20:00.049
So you have all of those things stacked up and it was like me.
00:20:00.049 --> 00:20:05.593
I mean, I was addicted to it the cheese, the sour cream, the butter.