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Hello friends, we are so happy to have you here with us today.
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We are lit up right now by what we are doing.
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I'm so thankful that God has shown us what he's shown us about whole food, plant-based living so that we can share it with you Right now inside Accelerator.
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Things have gotten cranked up.
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We're in our first week.
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It is going strong.
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It's exciting.
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We're inside Accelerator right now with our newest members getting them results, and this is the most exciting part of what we do.
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I love being here with you, sharing these things with you, because many of our members were just where you are now.
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They didn't know what to do.
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They're online looking for answers.
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They found the podcast They've binge listened to.
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All of them already started getting results before they started working with us inside Accelerator.
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I'm talking like cholesterol dropping from 280s to 218.
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Wrap your mind around that for a minute.
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Like in just a very short time.
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What in the world, like Jare and I were saying yesterday, what medication does that in that short of time or at all?
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God has put these foods here to help us heal.
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According to Genesis 129, they're the foods our bodies were originally created to thrive on, and you know that these are the foods that heal.
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If you're a mom or dad and you're sitting there feeding your child, what's the thing that you see?
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Moms and dads all the time feeding their child and saying eat this, eat this, take a bite of this honey, just take a bite of this.
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It's not candy, it's not processed food, it's not usually even meat, it's usually the fruits and the vegetables.
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It's because we know that.
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We know that.
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We know these are the foods that heal, even within ourselves.
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We just know, like grandma's told us, and we know if we've dug any into the research.
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This stuff has been out, the facts have been there for so long.
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But the hard thing is wrapping our mind around.
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How do you do this in the way that works?
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Maybe you've tried plant-based before and you're back here looking for an answer, like many of our other clients have done, where they just can't figure out how to make it stick.
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Well, thank God, we found the framework.
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When you have that framework, you'll know how to make this delicious and rapid and simple.
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But you have to get your mindset right.
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You need to know how to set up your environment and it sounds hard.
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It's like oh, that sounds so hard.
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It's not when you have someone to show you.
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It just blows my mind how simple this is.
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I'm making the videos and watching them back as I do voiceovers on some of the in the kitchens and I'm going this is crazy easy.
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We forget how easy it is because it's just what we do and we're in and out of the kitchen.
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We don't live our lives in the kitchen anymore, and I say this all the time.
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But if you're spending hours in the kitchen, don't feel bad.
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You just don't know what to do yet.
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But you can learn.
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It's not hard.
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It's just not what you're doing yet.
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But when it is, it's going to blow your mind when you see it.
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You also forget what it used to be like to prepare these foods in the old way.
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And I say the old way because we're still enjoying the foods that we used to eat, but just doing it in a different way.
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Now that actually loves our body back.
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So we're still enjoying the same flavors, the textures, just doing it in a better way.
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But you forget the cleanup before and after, disinfecting the grease, the long prep time and, like you said, if you're taking two hours to make a plant-based meal, there's an easier way, I say you're doing it wrong.
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I mean, you're making the meal, so you're obviously doing it right, but there is a better way.
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Oh my goodness, Talk about redeeming the time.
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Literally a whole module of accelerator is about redeeming the time those things that we've been taught and led to believe by our enemy.
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They're just not true.
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We don't have to do all those things like making the calories balance out and working out for insane amounts of time and never having the foods we like, and you're going to feel deprived and you need to just stop eating all your favorite things.
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It's hogwash.
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It's absolute insanity.
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You do not have to live that way.
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So listen to the podcast episodes, start implementing, step by step, one thing and another thing serious life changes happening for our listeners.
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We get emails often from you telling us you're not going to believe.
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This has totally changed my life, even people who've tried plant based before because we think it has to be something hard and complicated.
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You just need to know the steps and start taking them, and we've shared 325 after this episode, steps that you can take and way more than that, because inside each episode, you'll know we share way more than one step, but you're going to just choose that one step from each episode and implement it.
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Do not wait till you're in the course with us.
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Yes, we're going to take you by the hand and walk you through when you're ready, step by step, taking you in the kitchen, showing you what to make, how to make it, how simple it is, blowing your mind with how quick, how easy, how it will fit into your schedule and how you're going to love the foods.
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That is going to blow your mind more than anything Like how good this tastes, because, if you're like most people, you've tried some nasty plant-based recipes.
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It's true, they're out there, but I'm a little picky about what I do and I don't have time to be in the kitchen all the time.
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So when you get to the point, when you're ready, go to poweronplantscom forward slash accelerator, get on the wait list.
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If it's not open, it is going to be life-changing for you.
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We have walked people through the same exact steps and have walked people through these same exact steps and this is what we've seen blood pressure comes back to normal and, under the supervision of your medical provider, you're able to decrease and then get off of the medications.
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We've seen it happen so many times.
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And then cholesterol coming off, cholesterol medications, with us leading you and guiding you and the doctor saying Okay, now we can go down to this amount.
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Okay, now we can come off of it.
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I mean, this is what happens.
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Wrap your mind around this autoimmune disease, ibs, crohn's, rheumatoid yeah, rheumatoid arthritis gone, neck pain nine out of 10, gone, low energy and unable to live my God-given calling.
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Now that's my reality.
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I can live that calling because I wake up every morning with energy and I don't feel like I'm going to crash and burn when nighttime comes.
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I still have energy left over.
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That is the reality of learning how to get these foods into your life in the way that is sustainable.
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So go to powerimplantscom forward slash accelerator and get your name on the wait list or get inside if it's open, because it's going to change your life.
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We see it day after day, after beautiful day, and that wasn't our story for so long being in the medical profession.
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We were working with patients and clients and our desire was to help them to get well, but the problem was that we were working on managing diseases.
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That's what we were taught in school how do you manage this disease and manage that disease?
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And I'll never forget the time Jared came home from a conference and he said I'm just so over it, like I was sitting there listening to this doctor and he was talking about how we reduce blood pressure.
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They were talking about what type of medications to use for what type of high blood pressure or what level of blood pressure.
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So if it's above this amount, you use these medications.
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And I just felt like we're always just trying to get a better fire extinguisher, never really looking at what was causing the fire, never looking at the root issue.
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And this was even before I learned of lifestyle medicine.
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But when we started digging into the research and getting our own results and then learning about this body of evidence that has been there for so long about how these are the life-giving foods, and we started implementing those things piece by piece, which is exactly what we show you how to do, we see change.
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We got change.
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We got our lives back and that's what we see happening for those of you who are already doing this and taking that point by point that we're sharing in the podcast.
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And then you come into accelerator with us and the results are just through the roof.
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All these things start happening.
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You start implementing.
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You're going oh man, that really is an easy recipe and I've never tried that one before.
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And now you can see it.
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You can see it walked out.
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You get the tools for saving time and making it work with your life and you're going this is easier than anything I've ever done before and all of a sudden, your body starts healing, naturally.
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And I think people hear about these results and they want it and they believe that this is the way, because they join us and enter into doing this.
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But when it actually happens to them, it's like it's a complete surprise to them, right?
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I mean a very, very pleasant surprise, and I think they almost come into it with the hope, but not necessarily realizing, yes, this will happen.
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And then, when it does, it's like this miracle for them and they're ecstatic about it.
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So we all want to feel great, Everybody wants to feel great.
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But if you're like where we were years ago, we hit a wall with our health and as we got older we started hitting more walls with our health and therefore we started believing the lie that it was just because we were just getting older.
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I mean, I seem to recall we were even told those things oh it's just, you're just getting older.
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Oh, this is just how it is.
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No, it's not.
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And I hear that from my patients all the time, people that are in their 40s.
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Well, I'm just getting older.
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Look, if you're in your 40s you should not be hurting, and I believe even in your 90s you should not be hurting.
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And I tell people I do not subscribe to that ideology Aging is not a disease process.
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Yes, we get older, but it's not a disease and it doesn't mean that you should hurt or that you should have these chronic quote unquote chronic diseases.
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But you find yourself in this situation where you think I've just got to get rid of this.
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Like, what if I could?
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Well, first of all, sometimes you don't even realize you can.
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So we're here to tell you you can.
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You can get beyond this, it can get better.
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First, the first step is you've got to realize you can.
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But then, once you realize you can and you want to get better, are you willing to do it?
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Are you willing to do what it takes?
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At that point you start looking for answers.
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Then are you willing to do what it takes?
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And I see this many times.
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I've noticed a bit of an uptick in this with my patients when talking with them, because they'll mention, when we first meet, about different things that they have, or maybe even diseases that family members have lupus, high blood pressure, diabetes and I'll mention in about lifestyle medicine and a whole few plant-based diet and I've noticed that there's a certain reservation in their look about the answer that I'm giving.
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And on this side of things, I've been practicing lifestyle medicine for quite some time now, and during that I have seen more and more research and just more and more health benefits in the different foods that we eat, and so I see this on my end and I've seen disease processes heal that were considered just quote-unquote chronic.
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But they don't know, and I can see where they're influenced by a lifetime of the propaganda that we've been getting about you must have meat, you must have dairy, you must have eggs for calcium protein, whatever else.
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And so then, when they hear me say plant-based, I know from my perspective that this is the answer that they need.
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I can see it on their face, though this is not necessarily the answer that they want, and I even had one patient say but what about my cheeseburgers and I tell them I'm not going to take your cheeseburger away from you.
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That is a choice you have to make.
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I am not going to take anything away from you, but I do know that this way of living can yield the results that you want.
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Yes, and the deprivation mentality has been so woven in.
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It's another one of those lies that we believe.
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Oh well, what about my cheese?
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I mean, for me it was like cheeseburger cheese.
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Anything with cheese, you add cheese to it.
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Cheeseburger cheese, potatoes, cheesy soups, cheesy, this cheesy that we still eat our cheesy things.
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Extra cheese on cheese pizza.
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But think about the lie that people believe that you can't have.
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What about my cheeseburger?
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What he's saying there is I can't have cheeseburgers anymore if I eat this way.
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He doesn't understand that he can't have cheeseburgers anymore if I eat this way.
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He doesn't understand that he can still have cheeseburgers.
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He's just going to have them in a different way.
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That's going to love his body back, but he'll still like the flavors of them.
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You've got to wrap your mind around the fact that all the things that you love are not going to be taken away, and I think that's why we don't see so much reservation.
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By the time we start working with you inside accelerator, you don't see the reservation anymore.
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You're just like I'm here, let's do this you start seeing and understanding the possibilities right, and that's why listening the podcast is so good, because you're getting specific, actionable steps that you can start taking and getting results and seeing hey, this could really work for me.
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Now I need to know, step by step, how do I do this.
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Yeah, I've for me.
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Now I need to know, step by step, how do I do this.
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Yeah, I've gotten some great recipes I've been cooking in Anita's cookbook.
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Oh, now I see that the food can actually taste good and oh, I see that can have seven ingredients or less and many times beyond the table within 15 minutes.
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I mean, it really is mind blowing until you experience it.
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But you start making things like the date night Alfredo and the creamy tomato soup and you're going this is crazy.
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And the next step of what you were saying is oh, and I see my cholesterol dropped 70 points in just a few weeks.
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Right, that's a no brainer.
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Now you're seeing the proof in it.
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But I see so many people on the beginning where they just don't think this is possible or they're just so ingrained with the way that I used to eat.
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And I get it because you know what.
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You know, you're used to those foods and you do like them, even though they don't necessarily like you.
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You do like them, you know them and you've got all those years of again the advertising and the messaging of you need this for optimal health.
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If somebody comes along and says that message may not be entirely accurate and that there is a better way, it may be a little bit hard to believe, but it's true.
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So what you're saying is the answer that you need isn't always the answer that you want.
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But what you need to do is open your mind just a little and listen to the evidence, listen to our podcast and just get beyond that cursory no, no, I can't do that, because I think that's where so many people stop and it's like we say don't say I can't, say how can I?
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But I think a lot of people again, they've lived the way that they live, they hear this and they just boom, say I can't, without any realization.
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So if you're in that boat, if you're listening to me right now and you're in that boat, it is possible, we've seen it.
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We've experienced it in our own lives and we see clients experience it on the daily, freed from things you were told that you'd have for a lifetime, that you'd be stuck with Like.
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I had interstitial cystitis.
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I was told I'd have for a lifetime, that you'd be stuck with Like I had interstitial cystitis.
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I was told I'd have it my entire life.
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It's a terrible bladder disease.
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I was put on medication for it and told I would be on that for life, that I would have to deal with it, that it would be a problem.
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I mean, if you've ever had a urinary tract infection, imagine somebody telling you You're going to be having this for life.
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They don't know what causes it, you're going to need to take medications and this is just what you have and it's how it is.
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I had fibrocystic breast disease.
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I was told I would have it for life.
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The lumps are gone.
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Wrap your mind around it, around the diagnosis you have no matter what it is.
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Wrap your mind around someone coming up to you and saying there is a way that you can reverse this, halt it and then possibly reverse it.
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This is highly likely and you know the answer is there.
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But then you find out the answer is whole plant foods and you say, oh well, maybe I don't like that answer so much I'd have to give up my whatever it is for you.
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Obviously, for me it was dairy.
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What is it for you?
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What is it that you would say I have to give up?
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My many women think it's their husband's desserts, like my husband's, sick and overweight, and he doesn't feel good because dessert.
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No, we eat desserts.
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We just eat them in a different way and we still reverse disease and we still have more energy than we've ever had in our 50s.
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We get these mindsets of things that are just crazy and we don't like the answer.
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Why do you think you wouldn't like that answer?
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To eat whole plant foods?
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Well, I'm not going to be able to eat the foods I like.
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And many times they have no idea what's involved with whole food, plant-based.
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I think they just have this idea of just nasty tasting lettuce, meal after meal after meal.
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I'll even share with my patients some of the things that we eat, and they're kind of surprised by that.
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But I want you to think about for you.
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What is that food or the couple of foods that you say, no, I just couldn't do that because I love my blah blah blah.
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I'd have to give up this, whatever that thing is, and then ask yourself what does that tell you about that thing that it's more valuable to you than feeling good, being able to actually feel your best, being able to live longer and live stronger and better.
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I think the next question then is why do you have that reaction to that food?
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Because there's nothing plant-based that we eat that if I found out something negative about it that I couldn't leave.
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Because it doesn't have the hold on you like those other foods?
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Like you have the casein in the dairy, which we know hits the morphine receptors and causes the calf to come back to the cow.
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But in us it creates more of an addictiveness to it.
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Right, and meat has those type of properties because it's extremely fatty and we just have grown up on it and sometimes it's the memories associated with it.
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But whatever you're thinking about, I want you to think about what tastes better than feeling good feels to me.
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But then I don't even like that question and I'm going to tell you why.
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It sounds great, it sounds all deep, but think about this what tastes better than feeling good feels?
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That's kind of like saying, well, whole plant foods aren't going to taste good, but that's okay, because I mean, you're going to feel great.
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No, whole plant foods are going to taste great when you know how to prepare them in the way that loves your body back and in the way that the flavors go together well, just like how you prepare your foods.
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Now You'll learn how to get those seasonings and spices and sauces in the right combinations and before you know it you'll literally be writing your own recipes.
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And I'm not saying you're going to become a recipe author.
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You probably have no desire to do that.
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But once you have the accelerator formula, you can look at most any recipe and come up with and put together meals without even needing a recipe.
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Think about how freeing that would be.
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Not only do I feel amazing, I love how I eat.
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I love this food.
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We hear it all the time.
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It's mind-blowing to me.
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I've tried it before and I couldn't stick with it because the foods weren't exciting and it didn't taste good.
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And now you're eating the right recipes and you're finding your new favorites and you're keeping the list, like I show you how to do, and before long you're freed from that thought of deprivation.
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It's just not an issue anymore, it's a non-issue.
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With this, you truly do get the best of both worlds.
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And while we're talking right now, I just had kind of a biblical parallel there.
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In our walk with God, we hear if we lose our life, we will gain it.
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Here, if we lose our life, we will gain it.
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So if we give up our lives to ourselves and live for the Father, we actually gain our lives.
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If you give up these foods, realizing that these are actually harming you, and you go to those plant foods, the one that God gave us, he created these foods for us in the beginning, in the first place, so our bodies could thrive, because they're the ones that have all the things that our bodies need in them.
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So if we give up the other foods and then gain these foods that were the original for us, then we gain the life.
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But in our spiritual walk the enemy convinces us that will be deprivation.
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Walking in the spirit in that way will keep you from something good that you love and you want.
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And you're going to have to give this thing up and it's the same lie.
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That is genius, what you just came up with, right?
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That's a Holy Spirit revelation.
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It was, it was God inspired.
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That is what this whole episode is about now.
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I want you to think about that.
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Just wrap your mind around how you have been deceived by the enemy in the things of the spirit.