July 22, 2021

102: How To Quickly Lower Your Cholesterol Naturally

102: How To Quickly Lower Your Cholesterol Naturally

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What is the best way to lower cholesterol naturally? Do you just have "the genetic kind" of high cholesterol or is there something you can do to decrease your cholesterol?

We're discussing a recent study we saw that was super interesting and offers the potential results of lowering cholesterol as well as the top cholesterol-lowering medicines.

We're talking about selenium, thyroid hormones, and building your overall health too.

Could a whole food plant-based diet work just as well as statins? And what specific food might you consider trying to decrease your cholesterol numbers.

Oh, and let's talk about makes some super simple and delicious plant based nut milk too, the kind you won't be finding on the store shelves! 🙌 

Food IS medicine ... the research and testimonials show this time and again. It's time to learn another top tip for how to find plant-based joy, so let's do this! :)


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Join us to gain the plant-based encouragement, real health-changing ideas, and sustainable plant-based inspiration you've been hoping for! 💕


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The Power On Plants Cookbook Bundle is now available and ready for you. It's our premier go to collection of over 50 simple whole food plant based recipes that actually tastes great and are done in a flash.

00:00:12.300 --> 00:01:16.560
So you can have more time, more energy and more joy every single day. These are our family's favorite recipes that you're going to love, because they'll actually love you back. Our friends and clients tested them gave rave reviews. And then I gathered them all into one powerful collection just to share with you go to get dot power on plants cookbook bendel.com to be the first to get your coffee. That's get.poweronplantscookbookbundle.com where you can get your hands on our quick and easy recipes that make living a healthy life. Not just possible, but really enjoyable and super delicious to get your copy today. Every month now, there's not a single person here that probably could not do that and do it with relative ease. I'm in that same one sitting just a couple what might happen if you spaced them out and ate more might be the benefits would be better. We don't know. But in this specific study, Jerry's gonna talk

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You're listening to the Smarter Healthy Living podcast where we firmly believe that getting healthy should never feel like torture. We're your host, Jarrod and Anita Roussel were college sweethearts, and health professionals who help you redefine what getting healthy looks like using a whole food plant based lifestyle. It's time to hear from the experts and learn the best tips and tricks that helped others get beyond the overwhelm, to create a vibrant life they love. If you're sick and tired of being sick, and tired, you're in the right place. So pull up a virtual chair, grab your matcha latte. And let's get started.

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When you think about eating nuts, what are the nuts that you think about commonly? What's the first thing that pops into your mind when I say we're gonna go and get some nuts and we're just gonna have a snack?

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Probably peanuts. That's the first thing peanuts

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maybe the cans if you're fancy. What else do you think?

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Well, like the the mixed nuts, you have a cashews, maybe cashews. Now sometimes they even have Brazil nuts in them. And that little planters mixed.

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You know, we used to eat those when I was young, I totally forgot they had Brazil nuts in there. And there was such a long period of our life that we never ever thought of Brazil nets. You know, there are a lot of different nets that get left in the in the dust. I mean, you think about macadamia nuts, we don't eat those either. So we really want to be sure we're getting a variety of fate. And what we're sharing today is really important for you to understand, because we're just going to talk about one type of net within that category. Now, some people are afraid of eating that. And I think if you eat too many, you're gonna gain weight, and all those things, and we're gonna have an episode about that coming up. So you're gonna want to stick around and listen to some upcoming episodes. But today, we're talking about one particular thing that Brazil nuts can do for you. And odds are, you probably don't eat them. Because most people don't, it's not something they typically enjoy on a regular basis. But they're incredible for you. They're really important for certain nutrients that it's harder to get elsewhere, like Selenium.

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Selenium is a good one, they're actually a very good source of selenium. And it has other beneficial effects like with your thyroid gland, we all know of iodine. But Selenium is extremely important because it's actually used to help convert your thyroid hormone into its active form. So if you don't have it, you could end up with low thyroid.

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So you really should eat some Brazil nuts. They're delicious, too. It's just something new and different. You can add in. But today we're talking about one specific reason why. And it's probably something you've never heard,

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it's probably going to blow your mind because I know when we learn this, it blew our minds

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it did. And this is something that that has affected us in the past with the way we've eaten and grown up. And it's high cholesterol. And we have bought into the belief that having high cholesterol is just genetic. And if you haven't, you know, maybe you just have the genetic kind. Some doctors are known to use that lingo. Oh, well, this is the genetic kind of high cholesterol. Well, the truth is that studies show that many times cholesterol can be lowered naturally. And today we're talking about one of the easiest ways that you could possibly lower it naturally. And I'm going to put out there that this is going to be worth a try for you because it's delicious.

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It's really simple to do. There are no negative side effects at all. And you've got nothing to lose to try it. So we're talking about eating Brazil nets. And we recently saw a study about resilience and it showed that just eating a few personal nets and we'll get into that but just eating a few personal nets every month. Are you gonna listen to me? A few Brazil nuts every month. Now, there's not a single person here that probably could not Do that and do it with relative ease. I mean, that same one sitting just a couple, well, what might happen if you spaced them out and ate more might be the benefits would be better? We don't know. But in this specific study chairs, we're gonna talk a little bit more about what happened with that.

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Well, they took 10 people, 10 men and women, and gave them for Brazil nuts, they actually had done a few like 1248. And they found that with just for Brazil nuts that within nine hours, their cholesterol levels dropped 20 points. That's huge. And that was faster than what even the typical cholesterol medications like the stat and medications could do.

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It would take them about four days. But they continue to monitor these people and monitor their cholesterol levels. And it didn't just last a day or two.

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It didn't just last a week, it actually lasted an entire month.

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But that was for Brazil that said day,

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it was just for Brazil nuts that one time, once a month, just once a month for

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Brazil nuts. That's right. Now, I want you to listen to that. So Jarrod are big into research. But this was only 10 people. So we're going to be honest with you. That's not a really great sample size four are really reliable study to be able to say, do it, it's definitely going to work. But again, I'm saying, so what do you have to lose? I mean, you're probably not hearing about this other places. And we really need to hear about these things. I mean, if there's a possibility if I've got high cholesterol, and there's a possibility that eating for Brazil nuts a month could lower my cholesterol as well as one of the top known medications for cholesterol that has a ton of side effects can cause tremendous problems for your health. Why would I not try now? Are we saying stop your status and stop your cholesterol medication and try this? No, we're saying habit even on top of it, and just see what happens

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and it goes down, then you can talk with your provider about possibly lowering your medication dosages or coming off of them altogether,

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right. And so this is one thing you can try. I just want you to think about that for a minute. This is one thing that a study has shown, that can actually improve your cholesterol, you've got nothing to lose and everything to gain.

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Now, what if you started adding in one more thing. And one more thing, and more and more thing.

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And these are all the things we want to teach you and show you that you can do because your body was made it was created to be fueled on plants. And the less plants you ate, the more health struggles you're going to have. And the harder it's going to be for you to reach your goals. And Jared and I are all about helping busy women to be able to just embrace a healthy plant based life you love so that you can heal and get out there and do all the things that you want to do to reach the goals that you have for your life. Because you have a purpose in your life. And we want to see that become reality for you.

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There's no reason for you to just sit there and dream about it any longer when there are things that are this simple that you can try. And you know what the truth of the matter is, everything that they find in research is probably not going to work for everybody. Because up to this point, your body's gone through different things, it's been experienced to different things to different toxins to different beneficial things. So your makeup is going to be a little bit different from somebody else's. Try it if it doesn't work for you, you can move on and try something else, there are a ton of natural things that you can try, especially with the food that you're putting in your body.

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Because you've probably heard before food is medicine. And I cannot tell you how true this is, when you start looking into research and you start digging, like we've done because Jared and I are not just about sharing with you our experiences of what's worked for us or what's worked for our clients, we can share a lot of that. And we do that this is the thing, the research is really important to be able to back these things up.

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And there's a bunch of is out there. And it's been there for a long time and more and more of it's coming out. But you've got to know that as a whole doctors and nurses are not being trained in this, thankfully, is slowly starting to turn around. But in the meantime, a lot of people don't know this information, even in the medical community, but we're taking time to dig in the research to get these things to you. So that you know, there's hope beyond you just walking into the office of your medical provider and them saying to you, you know, what Cannot you just want to have what can I do? And instead of just getting medication, again, we are not against medication, but we want you to know there are other things that you can do. And many times you're not getting that there and you're sitting there and you're walking away feeling like all you can do is try to find the answer, find the diagnosis so that you can find the right medicine. And then but with that come other problems and other issues. So why not look for the natural things and find those natural things that you can try. And there are tons of them and they're backed by research and we're not talking just 10 people. I mean this today we're sharing so Then that worked for 10 people. But there are research studies that have been done on things with food and nutrition that we share on a regular basis with our clients and with you listening to the podcast, that can have the whole the possibility of changing your life

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when some of these studies have 10s of 1000s of people in them. So the validity is there. It's huge. It's well documented. So like in the case, what you're mentioning earlier that with there only being 10 people in this, yes, it would be great for there to be more research to be done for me just out of curiosity of, well, if you ate for Brazil nuts once a week, was there more of a drop?

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We don't know, because we haven't seen that study yet. But like you said, What do you have to lose? I mean, unless you're allergic to Brazil nuts?

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Absolutely nothing. I mean, just have them where they're part of a dish that you have, or just eat them by themselves are actually quite delicious. And you eat for a month,

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or go back and listen to our net milk recipe. And thought about that our net milk recipe episode and it's, do you remember which one it is? Oh, it's

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number five.

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Okay, number five. So go back and listen to number five.

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And all you have to do is start for Brazil nuts, or make it five or if you split it with some I might get eight, right, you're gonna throw those in with some water, a little pinch of salt and maybe a half day just to get a little bit of sweetness like Milton normally would have, you're gonna have the best net milk, but it has to be a high speed blender, or you're gonna have to strain it through a strainer, preferably high speed blender because you get to keep all that good fiber in there.

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That's a very simple way. You can make Brazil nut milk, it's amazing. You're not going to buy that in the store. Where are you going to find Brazil nut milk, and it's gonna have never seen it. And it's gonna have all the fiber, it's going to taste amazing, the Selenium and the Selenium that you need and knows all the other nutrients that are in there. I mean, you can look it up and find what we know. But I'm not convinced we know every nutrient and everything. I think

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there are many things that are still as of yet undiscovered,

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right. So get your Brazil nuts. That's something new that you can try. If it's something that you don't eat on a regular basis. Now, how am I going to remember to do that I missed all the other health things that I want to do for myself. How are you going to do that? Well, this is a little tip or trick that we heard and honestly, I don't remember who said it.

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It was it was Dr.

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Michael Greger.

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Was it Dr. Greger? Yeah, okay, so he said eat for on the fourth. So on the fourth of every month, eat your for Brazil nuts. That's easy. There you go take it to the bank and do it.

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And the other tip I would say is actually buy them and put them in your pantry so that you see them and it acts as a visual reminder. That's

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a great point. Because we always teach people to have in your pantry what you want to eat hat because you're going to eat what's there, what's there and you're not going to eat what's not that exactly. So get out the stuff that you don't want to eat, because you're going to eat what's there, but also get the good stuff, the great stuff in there that you want to eat, because you're going to eat what's there. It really seems simple. But when you do it, you will believe how amazing it is and you start getting results in your life starts to change. And if you're like us, your joint pain goes away. your skin's not as oily you don't have to wear deodorant hardly ever. I mean, that's another benefit of eating plant base. It's amazing how much stink, you lose. And I'm just, I'm just being real here.

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I mean, that may seem kind of gross. But when you're on the other side of it, it's it's quite liberating. wonderful thing. So if you're struggling with high cholesterol, or you don't want to develop high cholesterol, I mean that's a whole different world. You

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just want to go try another new delicious nut you've never tried before. I

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think yet you're Brazil nets for on the fourth of every month And hey, if you like them have for every fourth day of the week. That's what I do. I'd say Wednesday, every Wednesday have for Brazil nuts. I mean there you go enjoy it. Now if you've heard that nuts are high calorie and you're worried about how they might affect your weight.

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Be sure to tune in to the next episode because that's exactly what we're going to be talking about. We hope you're having a great week. And if there's anything that we can do for you, please don't hesitate to reach out at podcast at smarter, healthy living.com Have a great day, sunshine.