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Jan. 27, 2021

46: How to Naturally Stop Pain And Inflammation With This One Simple Strategy

46: How to Naturally Stop Pain And Inflammation With This One Simple Strategy

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Download your FREE resource, The Top 6 Ways To Fight Pain And Fatigue So You Can Live Life To The Fullest here!

It's well known that inflammation is the culprit behind a host of chronic diseases, as well as daily aches and pain.  So the question is: How do you get rid of it?

While there are many things you can do to get decrease inflammation, none are as simple as the one we're sharing with you today. You could jump into an entire inflammation diet, but it's incredible how you can get some really big results just by adding one new change at a time.  (We're even throwing in a few bonus tips too!)

This strategy is so simple that you truly have nothing to lose, except your pain and fatigue. ;)

Want to know more about the book publisher, Lamplighter, that we mentioned in this episode?  You can find them here:  https://lamplighter.net/
Their inspiring books are beautifully bound with quality and meant to be passed down through generations.  And while you're there be sure to check out Lamplighter Theater, their professionally produced audio dramas.  Our family loves both, and we think yours will too!

Hey, friend! Email your comments or ideas for future episodes to: info@thecrunchycouple.com
We look forward to hearing from you!

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00:00:00.358 --> 00:00:31.949
When you were a child, did you ever take your shoes off and go out and run and just play running in the grass or have your feet in the dirt in the soil? I remember doing that as a child and it just it felt so good on my feet. Now, you may have had an auntie, or grandma or someone that would say, now you don't do that you'll get sick or get your shoes on. While Aunt Sally may be well intentioned, is there something that maybe she doesn't know? If you want to know what that is?

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This episode is for you.

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You're listening to the smarter Healthy Living podcast where we firmly believe that getting healthy should never feel like torture. We're your host, Jared and Anita Roussel were college sweethearts, and health professionals who help you redefine what getting healthy looks like using a whole food plant based lifestyle. It's time to hear from the experts and learn the best tips and tricks that helped others get beyond the overwhelm, to create a vibrant life they love. If you're sick and tired of being sick, and tired, you're in the right place. So pull up a virtual chair, grab your matcha latte. And let's get started.

00:01:06.120 --> 00:01:15.659
Now the first time I heard about this, I thought, Is this real?

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Can there be something to it, but then I started thinking about my own experience. And today, what we're talking about is grounding. Or maybe you've heard it called earthing. And all that is is getting your feet or your skin to the earth, it could be your hands. Usually it's your feet or hands.

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Usually it's your feet,

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or legs if you're sitting on the ground.

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Or if you're sitting in the water. That's what Anita was talking about just a moment ago.

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And we we didn't notice this phenomenon, right at first. But it was after looking at years of going to the beach, specifically Anita has always always loved the beach. We haven't always lived close like we do now. But when we vacation there, we typically go for a week like most people, you have a week for vacation. And during the time after a few days of sitting in the sun, having your feet in the water, because we would go for a few hours, she would feel better,

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why not start feeling amazing. And of course, you just think I feel great because I'm on vacation, and I've lived all my

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stress. Yes,

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I'm away from the stress.

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I'm away from the daily grind.

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And I think that's some of it.

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But I really feel like physically, there's more to it than that. Once we started looking at it and thinking about what are we doing differently.

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And then you've got to think about too, if you've ever read much at all, I'm an avid reader, I love to read a good story. And in the stories, what happens, there's always especially these certain books that we love, I'm going to share this with you.

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It's called lamplighter. Listen, you have got to go to lamplighter dotnet. I know this is totally off topic. But when you're talking about going on vacation, I've got a book in my hand in my mind. And lamplighter has the best books for kids. And for adults great old stories that mark Hamby, who's the owner of lamplighter, he brought back all these amazing books that were out of print. And it's incredible. But anyway, my whole point with that is in a lot of those books, if there's somebody that's sick, what they would do back in the olden times when they would write a book is they would go off to the ocean, they would either get on an ocean liner, or usually just stay by the seashore. Why did the doctors prescribe that in the books, the doctors were prescribing that for their patients? Why was that? Because people would go to the ocean, and they would physically heal and get well and it's not just it's not just missing the stress. There's something more here. So we've got to think what is it one thing we know very quickly, I'm going to mention another thing is that vitamin D, we make that when we're out in the sunshine and with our day to day activity. Now think about how much do most people get out in the sunshine

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very little. We go from our homes to work and we're in car so we don't get a lot of direct sun exposure.

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And then how often do we open our windows? Open your windows? If you don't do that on a regular basis, get fresh air?

00:04:09.419 --> 00:04:18.509
Fresh air? Yeah, so we're not out in the fresh air. We're not getting this direct sent on our skin we put on sunscreen when we are outside and so we're not making

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vlogs I think 99% of the UV rays which are necessary for making the vitamin D in your skin.

00:04:24.329 --> 00:04:35.399
Yeah, you need those you absolutely do need those. So what but they can cause damage over time, right. So you do want to wear sunscreen, we're not saying don't wear sunscreen,

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just be careful with the amount of exposure because for the vitamin D you really only need about 15 minutes of higher intensity sun. So like you know from I think 10 to to a good 15 minutes. And that's all you really need your fair

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like me, it's probably less because I would burn in probably 15 minutes, especially in the summertime. But get out and get the sunshine get the fresh air but there's one thing that sticks research showing now more and more, that if you get your feet to the earth and your hands to the earth, it does something physically to our body that they've measured with scans and things, and that show that our inflammation is reduced. And I'm gonna let chair tell you a little bit more about what happens with the grounding.

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Well, physically, what happens is that on the Earth's surface, there is a very mild electric current, the last measurement I read was something like 20 millivolts. I mean, that's very, very low. It's not anything you're going to feel.

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But that current is there. Now you may be thinking, Why on earth is there current? Now I've heard of a few different explanations. One was that they said at any moment around the Earth, there are between one and 2000, lightning strikes, and those are something like 50,000 to 100,000 volts. And so that's traveling through the earth. And that may be but the explanation that I heard is because of the magnetic field around the Earth.

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Now magnetic field, well, if you've ever pulled out one of the old fashioned campuses, well, you've got that little piece of metal floating in that fluid. And what does it do? It aligns to the Earth's magnetic field. Anytime you take something, especially with metal, and move it within a, move it within a magnetic field, what does it do? It creates electricity. Well, what's in the earth's core? It's metal. So when you realize those simple facts, it doesn't it's not too big of a stretch to say, Well, sure, why wouldn't there be maybe a mild electric current?

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Now why is that important? Well, in our bodies, we get oxidative damage and stress and free radicals, I'm sure you've heard these terms. And many times,

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all these things can cause sickness, they can cause

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illness like formation, like you were saying earlier, when

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I was having, I would have severe joint pain. And one of the things that would make it somewhat better is going to the ocean because I would get outside barefoot more, I'd have my feet in the ocean, I walk on the sand, I'd be walking around in the grass. And it just made a tremendous difference. And now we try to do it daily. And I feel amazing compared to how I used to fail, we've done other things as well. But I can tell a difference on the days I don't get outside barefoot feet to ground.

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And I also remember noticing that for probably good two weeks after we would get back home. That there there was this after effect of where she would feel good, but then it would slowly dwindle away, and then get back to normal. And that was before we started really making that connection of something's here. Now you don't have to go to the ocean go to the beach, although we do highly recommend it. It's fantastic.

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Yes, but 100%

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any contact to the earth, it can be dirt beyond the grass, it can be on rocks, you actually can even have the same effect with concrete, maybe even paver so like if you have a back patio, right? It has pavers made of concrete, that still does conduct those electrical currents. So if

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you're sitting out on your back patio, why not take your rubber soled shoes off? If you have rubber, rubber soled shoes? Are you getting any of that electric current going through your body? Because what that does is it neutralizes the free radicals in your body. If you have read the rubber sheets on cheered saying it insulates isolating that at all that flow.

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And so what happens tellegen whenever your feet touch the ground, whether it's on summit or your back patio, I mean sit barefoot outside when you can?

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Absolutely. So what is that going to do to your body?

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What happens is those electrons that are flowing through the Earth's surface actually will flow into your body. Our bodies do conduct electricity. I mean, it was actually specifically studied.

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But if you have a child and you've ever done a science experiment where you have one of these little 1.5 volt light bulbs, and you have a wire that's going from that to a battery, and then you touch the battery and the light bulb and it lights up. That's proof right there. You have the ability for electricity to conduct through your body, right? Well, what they have found is that these electrons will slowly move through your body and get rid of a lot of that oxidative damage or those free radicals. It's and we talked about having antioxidant foods. Well what it does, it helps to get rid of those free radicals where you have a free source of endless electrons right beneath your feet.

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Right and just think if you can do that 10 to 15 minutes a day. You have nothing to lose.

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This cost you absolutely nothing. You don't have to get a doctor's office to get a prescription for it. And even if it sounds a little wackadoodle to you do it anyway you need to get outside you need to get the fresh air you need to get the sunshine when you can and the weather allows you to get your feet either on your back porch, on the concrete on the pavers walk around in your yard if it hasn't just freshly been sprayed, get your feet on the sidewalk barefoot. go barefoot you know watch obviously Where you're walking, you don't want to step on something, hurt yourself. But get into the soil get, you know, even planting things and getting your hands touching the dirt for periods of time. I mean, a lot of people feel great when they're gardening, it's because they're getting their hands to the ground hands in the dirt pattern, that dirt down planning a lot of flowers.

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Now something that's in common between the beach and the soil is that when the soil or the beach with the water there, there's less resistance.

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So where's the moisture, what is the moisture,

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you have a better contact with the earth, so you're going to get more electrons flowing. So I think that's why when we would go to the beach, so quickly, you would notice such a big difference

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may be faster,

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it would be faster. But if you can get whatever the contact is, whatever, 10 to 15 minutes, but if it's on concrete, if it's on grass, whatever, if you can get that daily, then you're going to maintain that benefit. In our cases, we were just insulated.

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Our houses were on crawlspaces we wore shoes, we just we never got contact with the earth

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and it's almost like a reset for your body. So if you're having inflammation if you're having daily pain, absolutely one of the first things you need to do is start looking at your feed because that is number one, the cause of a lot of inflammation, pain, low energy, difficulty with that, get some whole plant foods, the more the better. If you can do all that's great, but get your shoes off, get your feet in the dirt, get your hands in the dirt, just sit on the ground, you know go out for a picnic and sit on the grass and put your hands back and lean back and enjoy the view. You don't have to be sitting there waiting for your time to go by. Grab a great lamplighter book and sit there and read on the grass with your knees bent and your feet on the in the grass. I mean that'll do it. Go walking barefoot with somebody you love hold their hand and have fun together. You know, make it enjoyable. But get out there and do it because again, what what do you have to lose?

00:12:01.409 --> 00:12:09.779
Well, and I wanted to say a little bit earlier you said it's free. It's easy, but there are no side effects. I mean

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yeah, you cannot beat it.

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Honestly give it a try. We want to know how it goes for you. Let us know drop us an email at info at the crunchy couple.com again, it's info at the crunchy couple.com we'd love to hear from you. Make sure to leave a review before you go. We look forward to hearing from you.

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Have an absolutely blessed day and we will see you the next time